Covenant International Ministries
Our Mission
Covenant International Ministries’ mission is to spread the Gospel message of Jesus Christ by conducting outreach, discipleship training, preaching events, and evangelism to grow local churches in the United States and abroad. We plan to work internationally beginning in the Philippines by opening a youth center to give youth an alternative to street life and gang involvement. We provide intervention for struggling families, elderly, and handicapped people. We foster global partnerships through networking with other nonprofits, businesses, and food banks to enrich, support, and enhance the lives of disadvantaged individuals, children, and communities through mentoring, raising awareness, and providing tangible assistance to relieve suffering and to increase individual abilities to become self-sustaining. We will provide needed food, access to shelter and medical care, clothing, and education to the needy. We bring the message of salvation in Jesus Christ while relieving suffering and lack and helping prepare children and their parents for a future that does not include hunger, want, and helplessness. We want to help individuals, families, and communities around the world with sustainable development projects, economic development projects, obtaining clean water and affordable energy, improved educational opportunities, job training and internship programs, cultural exchange, disaster relief, and humanitarian aid.
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795 Lakeview Ridge, Fenton, Missouri, MO. 63026
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795 Lakeview Ridge, Fenton, Missouri, MO. 63026
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