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795 Lakeview Ridge, Fenton, Missouri, MO. 63026
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795 Lakeview Ridge, Fenton, Missouri, MO. 63026
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Our Mission
You are part of our Mission
Covenant International Ministries’ mission is to spread the Gospel message of Jesus Christ by conducting outreach, discipleship training, preaching events, and evangelism to grow local churches in the United States and abroad. We plan to work internationally beginning in the Philippines by opening a youth center to give youth an alternative to street life and gang involvement. Read more..
Our Outreaches
Check our outreaches and preaching program around the world as Jesus said "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation"
How to Study the Bible
Check our guide on how to study the bible book by book. For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Listen to our Daily Devotion
“Listen to our Facebook live and watch the compilation of our daily devotion”
Daily Prayers
Watchout for the daily prayer and devotions
for the Blessed Sacrament via Youtube and Facebook live.
Teaching Programs
To help class members increase their desire to assist in the Lord’s work by teaching His gospel.
Worship Plan
Our mission is to revitalize the Church so it becomes the center of the community as it once was and how God intended it to be.
Help us spread the words of God. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Join us to read the Bible every day!
Sent first thing in the morning, so you can start your day in the word of God.
Daily encouragement straight from God’s Words.
Always fresh. Always relevant. Study a new book or topic every month.
Biblical truth that helps you grow, and that you can share with others.